Remote Coaching & Programming

Unlock your potential with our Remote Coaching program at Heavy Metal Barbell. Experience the benefits of individualized training plans tailored specifically to your unique goals, whether it’s Olympic weightlifting, strength training, or overall fitness improvement.

Step 1: Consultation

Discovery Call with an Heavy Metal Barbell coach to review previous experience, clarify goals, and determine the best fit for you.

Step 2: Onboard & Assess

Athletes onboard and perform a 4-Week Assessment training block. Training Programs are delivered via our TrainHeroic App, with detailed instructions and demonstrations. Coaches utilize our CoachNow video analysis app to break down your movements and provide voiceover feedback.

Step 3: Long Term Relationship

Post-assessment, your coach uses HMB’s proprietary analysis tools to identify technical and physical areas for development. An Annual Training Plan is designed, illustrating the roadmap to achieving your goals and perform at competition.

You and your coach will work collaboratively to create Process and Outcome Goals for each phase of the training process. This process evolves over time, as the coach and athlete relationship develops stronger and best strategies emerge from previous lessons.